Sunday, December 26, 2010
Just a peek into our life
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas to All!

Here is it Christmas with all the hope, love and appreciation of each other going full force throughout the
world. We have so much to be thankful this year. One mot important is that we still have my Mom with us after 90 years. The holiday seasons are her very favorite time of the year.
Here she is receiving her white Poinsettias......white to represent all our PA Angels as she calls us all. She is holding her newest granddaughter, Ava Jane. And just like all the others, Ava loves her special Mema.
We wish you all a wonderful , fun filled and yet peaceful day.
More later ...for today, we're off to Janice's for a grand day of food, fun and videos.
Philip & Me
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
More later. My time on the computer is up!!!
PS.......forgot to mention that Bee (now Mrs. Beasley) has a sister in Maryland who belongs to a show kennel. She has had a few litters....maybe three at the most and has been shown. She is from Bee's litter and is a clone of her. They are thinking of adopting her out. If any of you are interested, please contact Connie Probst at for details on how to contact her owners for price and other details.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Here's some of the kids reporting in....
Birdie ready for Santa Paws!
Rudy (Basil's brother) and Max...Dove/Weylin's boy.
and Sammie's Daisey's.

Bonnie.....Rosie/Weylin's sister Becky's girl.

Abby & Santa

Abby & Santa
Sorry it's been so long in writing. Everything here is going well considering the lack of energy. Nothing bad to report, except I haven't done any shopping or cards so far. A flu an pneumonia shot has laid me low these days! But it's best to get it now before the Feb IV chemo begins. Will be home on the 23rd and back on th 26th. As much as I love and appreciate my daughter and her family, there's no place like home. Hope all it well with everyone. Thanks again for all your wonderful cards, surprises that arrive in the mail and by delivery. Everyday is a joy just knowing you all care so very much.
Hugs to all. M
On the road report from Sparkie (Daisy/Weylin son)
Hi Gma!
Just a note to say I hope you and Gpa are doing well and update you on my RV adventures. We're snowbirds in Florida this year, staying with my cousins Lucky (Westie) and Maggie (Airdale) in Jupiter, FL, near West Palm Beach. We stopped at Natural Bridge, VA, Asheville, NC, Jekyll Island, GA, St. Augustine, FL, and Disney on our way to Jupiter. It took us a month to arrive in Jupiter and I saw so many new things and met new people. Everyone loves me and tells me what a handsome Cocker Spaniel I am ......... I thank you for my good looks and great disposition. We we're in Michigan in the fall with my Yorkie friends Mollie & Turk. We visited Mackinac City, Machinac Island, Cedarville, Munising and Frankenmuth. It's been great times and I am exhausted every night! Thought you might enjoy some of my travel pics .......
Luv to you both,
Sparky (aka Tuna)
Just a note to say I hope you and Gpa are doing well and update you on my RV adventures. We're snowbirds in Florida this year, staying with my cousins Lucky (Westie) and Maggie (Airdale) in Jupiter, FL, near West Palm Beach. We stopped at Natural Bridge, VA, Asheville, NC, Jekyll Island, GA, St. Augustine, FL, and Disney on our way to Jupiter. It took us a month to arrive in Jupiter and I saw so many new things and met new people. Everyone loves me and tells me what a handsome Cocker Spaniel I am ......... I thank you for my good looks and great disposition. We we're in Michigan in the fall with my Yorkie friends Mollie & Turk. We visited Mackinac City, Machinac Island, Cedarville, Munising and Frankenmuth. It's been great times and I am exhausted every night! Thought you might enjoy some of my travel pics .......
Luv to you both,
Sparky (aka Tuna)
Hey Sparky,
You sure are looking good..and oh so happy. Sounds like a fun trip to us. Would love to see you wowing everyone. Be a good boy and keep us up to date on your adventures. We love it.
Gma Mary
Monday, December 6, 2010
Latest from Tilly

Mary: Hope you continue to do well with your treatments. Sounds like you are enjoying yourself. We are paraying for your quick recovery everyday. Glad Philip is doing well also.
Tilly is soooo sweet. Love her more everyday. She is having trouble with her crate traing but I'm sure it's because she justs wants to be with us all the time. Otherwise she is growing fast and is getting more beautiful everyday. I'll attache a few new pics of her for you. Hope you enjoy them.
Marge,Cara, Tilly xoxox
Tilly is soooo sweet. Love her more everyday. She is having trouble with her crate traing but I'm sure it's because she justs wants to be with us all the time. Otherwise she is growing fast and is getting more beautiful everyday. I'll attache a few new pics of her for you. Hope you enjoy them.
Marge,Cara, Tilly xoxox
Isn't that little princess the sweetest!! Saw the doctor this am and he is very pleased with the way things are going. Thursday we draw blood and see for sure what's happening. Fingers crossed. He even said a glass of beer would be helpful on my sore mouth! Now that's something I'll be sure to try.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Here's an update on Maggie/Charlie's Khloe...

Hello Philip, Mary and Janice! Khloe is doing great! We wanted to send you an update. She loves playing, I think her play drive is 100X bigger then she is. She is not holding back at all getting involved in the Richards house. She was inspecting everything while we were putting up our christmas tree, and she made sure it was to her liking. She went to school with Kerrie last Thursday, and won the hearts of the staff and students. She behaved very well and was making friends with all the people and the two other dogs that are at the school. She is getting to know her new home very well, and is doing great with the crate training. As she gets a bit older, we can see some slight changes in her colors. She is getting lighter eyebrows, a trait from her father. She also has a speck of white on her chest. We hope you are feeling better Mary, and we are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. We keep a sharp eye on the blog. Please enjoy the attached pictures of Khloe!! These are only SOME of the 1000's we took already!
Greg, Kerrie and Khloe
Greg, Kerrie and Khloe
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Hi from Shea, a Daisy/Weylin boy

Hi Mary and Philip, Here is an updated picture of Shea. He's getting ready for the holidays, but this year is a world of difference, finally, I can leave a wrapped present under the tree without him opening it, but food on the table, now that's a different story. This dog thinks he's a person and wants to sit at the table and eat with us!! He's such a sweetie, we love him and are so thankful we found you and him. Have a great holiday..XO, Cathy
Friday, December 3, 2010
Howie left today for New Jersery
More good news with Philip. His appointment at Geisinger yesterday went very well and he doesn't need to return for another six months. He is doing great with the mob, keeping up well with all the chores and has even cleaned out his closets/drawers of old clothes and stuff I've been begging him to pitch for years! Miracles do happen.
I'm doing well, too. Some of the side effects have surfaced (sores in the mouth and lack of energy.) So reading and resting is what my days are like. I have been managing to get supper ready for the family on the good days. Am very grateful to have such a loving home to give me all I need, plus a puppy to hold. Thanks to all who have written. It means the world to me. Will try to keep up better with what's happening. Today the farrier is out shoeing etc the horses feet. Always something going on here at Wild Hair Acres. More later. Love to all. Mary
Message from Jasper (Rosie/Weylin's litter)

I was just updating my self with your photos and your blog. And I read the news that you will be closing down due to health issues. I am so sad to hear that since we absolutely adore my Jasper and were planning on getting another cocker in a few more years. We got married so the husband wants kids first. I would be happy with a houseful of cockers! Jasper has brought so much joy to our lives and I just wanted to thank you and Phillip from the bottom of my heart for picking us to be Jasper's parents. He is hands down the best thing that ever came into my life. He brings me joy and happiness everyday. He has become my favorite reading companion. His favorite place is resting on my chest while I read books in the new bed. You have brought so much joy and happiness into our lives by breeding such a wonderful cocker spaniel. As I am sure that you have done for others. He is all the love I could ever need. He is the first smiley face I see when I wake up and the last face I kiss before I go to bed. He has completed my life. Thank you for taking the time to breed such a loving little man for me. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you now and always. If you have any other breeders out there in PA that you would recommend who breed cockers please let us know for the future. I have attached some pics of Jasper for your viewing pleasure. Licks and Kiss from Jasper!!
Much Love,
Chantle Marakovitz (now Leemann)
I was just updating my self with your photos and your blog. And I read the news that you will be closing down due to health issues. I am so sad to hear that since we absolutely adore my Jasper and were planning on getting another cocker in a few more years. We got married so the husband wants kids first. I would be happy with a houseful of cockers! Jasper has brought so much joy to our lives and I just wanted to thank you and Phillip from the bottom of my heart for picking us to be Jasper's parents. He is hands down the best thing that ever came into my life. He brings me joy and happiness everyday. He has become my favorite reading companion. His favorite place is resting on my chest while I read books in the new bed. You have brought so much joy and happiness into our lives by breeding such a wonderful cocker spaniel. As I am sure that you have done for others. He is all the love I could ever need. He is the first smiley face I see when I wake up and the last face I kiss before I go to bed. He has completed my life. Thank you for taking the time to breed such a loving little man for me. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you now and always. If you have any other breeders out there in PA that you would recommend who breed cockers please let us know for the future. I have attached some pics of Jasper for your viewing pleasure. Licks and Kiss from Jasper!!
Much Love,
Chantle Marakovitz (now Leemann)
Hi Chantel,
Wonderful news hearing about Jasper. My sister has his sister and she agrees completely with all you say. Bonnie is her baby girl for sure. I do have some wonderful breeders that I would recommend. If you are looking for another chocolate, Crews Cockers and More in Rochester, NY have two of our females and two of our males that they breed. Our Charlie, chocolate & tan, will produce all the colors, but mainly those rich chocolates like Jasper. I will post information on how to contact Michelle and Marc Crews on the blog when I get back home from my treatments. Ralph and Lois Lelii also have two of my girls (Sunset Oaks Cockers) and they use Connie Probst (Grumble Rock Kennels) males for their litters. So all the information on breeders I recommend will be posted before the end of the year....fingers crossed.
Good to hear from you and I know Jasper's litter mates will be thrilled to see how cute he is, too. Thanks for writing. Mary
Saturday, November 27, 2010
I'm home for the weekend and catching up on the latest happenings...
while Garnet slept contentedly under the quilt stand.
Beth and Craig had been here to pick up Jed, Sunny and Weylin's boy.
Jed was picked by Craig well before he was born. He wanted a red boy to be a
sister to Samantha, a Daisy/Weylin daughter from their January litter. He
got his wish as this boy is certainly the reddest boy we've ever produced.

Beth held Khloe so she had some attention, too. She was too young to go home yet and was awaiting the arrival of her family in two more weeks. They were good buddies who ran and played on the good days out side with Philip ever on the watch.

There was a constant competition between Sunny, Pansy and Maggie over who was the mother of these puppies. Both of the pups had more than enough mothering to last them a lifetime!
Sunny loved her babies so very much and was sad to see Jed finally leave. He is her last puppy as she will be spayed on Monday and resume her place as Queen on Philip's lap...if the others allow it!
Time to go and Khloe gave Beth a big good-bye kiss. If Beth had her way, she would have taken every puppy in all the litters! She has an unlimited amount of love and neurturing for the breed. Craig made a big leap by adopting another one as he already has a Brittany and raises show rabbits. We chuckled when he learned the lesson that one cocker is never enough!
So now it is November 26th and Khloe's turn to meet her family. Here she is being snuggled immediately by her new daddy Greg. He lost his little girl, a childhood love two years ago and Khloe was nervous that he might not like her.
Jed was picked by Craig well before he was born. He wanted a red boy to be a
sister to Samantha, a Daisy/Weylin daughter from their January litter. He
got his wish as this boy is certainly the reddest boy we've ever produced.
Beth held Khloe so she had some attention, too. She was too young to go home yet and was awaiting the arrival of her family in two more weeks. They were good buddies who ran and played on the good days out side with Philip ever on the watch.
There was a constant competition between Sunny, Pansy and Maggie over who was the mother of these puppies. Both of the pups had more than enough mothering to last them a lifetime!
Gpa Philip had her all bathed and trimmed as best he could since Gma (me) is the one who does the grooming. Nanny Janice was there, too to add the bow and make sure everything was recorded for the blog. Gpa Philip forgot that Charlie is her father and introduced Weylin as her father (really the grandfather), so that was all that was in error. Of course the paperwork and pedigree showed the correct father and I'm sure the Richards knew that, too.
mommy Kerrie. She is tickled pink that she gets to go to school with her Mommy on the
days Daddy Greg is off at the NYC Fire house being the hero we know those boys to be.
rest of that story.I'm so proud of my family and promise to be good. I just have a lot of wiggles to get out and some more training telling them when I need to go out. I love playing outside and hope we get to do that in my new home. For now, I'm vacationing with my new grandparents and am a complete surprise to Grandma! Stay tuned for the story.
me. They needed to see that Daddy has taken over that job!
So Pansy, Sunny and Garnet got on chairs to watch the final good-bye. That's old grammy Iris's butt you see as she walked away from it all. After all, she 13 years old today (27th) and she's seen it all over and over. Guess we're off to have a birthday party for her.
I think this photo will settle your concerns. It's a constant battle for the best spots on his lap/chair. Little CC is sure to have the pillow under his elbow. She spend the night with me and is my shadow today. Life without a empty and boring.
Until the next report.......have a safe and happy holiday season.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving to one and all....
This morning we awoke to a gentle snow fall, the first of the season. The ground is covered, and the snow is still falling. Jane' chickens have headed back into the trees for warmth and the horses are chowing down on their morning hay an oats. The men have gone out on 4 wheelers to claim their hunting spots for Monday's opening day of deer season. Jane and I are working on our Thanksgiving dinner........steaks on the grill! We had our turkey dinner on Sunday for my sister's visit and have pigged out on left overs all week. Now we've planned on a good ole summer grill out on the back deck. LOL...once again Mother Nature is chuckling. Hope you all have a wonderful day of family/friend fun, good food and a lot of thankfulness. I know my cup is overflowing. All is well here and I plan on keeping it that way. Tomorrow I plan on going back home after my procedure for the weekend. I miss Philip, Janice and the mob. Thanks for all the prayers, cards and good wishes. I can sincerely feel every bit of it. Hugs........Mary
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