Monday, June 15, 2009

I'm back online..........

Howard and Cheryl Ems of High Tech Computer, Little Marsh, PA.........worked miracles and got me up and running once again. Flash.......Microsoft sent an automatic update for Internet Explorer that wiped out my version #8. Updates were then assigned to version #7 and I can once again use my IE to get Earthlink....which I must use as my AOL cannot be used here with Verison's messed up wires. They installed DSL cables on our road, but won't allow me to hook up, yet. Their improvements made my dial up system slow and quick to disconnect or make errors in sending and receiving mail. Very frustrating. The good news is that there are no problems in my soft or hardware. Mircrosoft cost me a repair bill and Verison costs me constant stress. Thanks for keeping up with the latest happenings here at SBG. Puppies are all great, growing and wonderful. Sunny's puppies have had adoption requests, but I won't ship or sell to breeders. We are waiting for that perfect home as always. They are too precious to "get rid of" as so many people ask. this litter is exceptional in color and tan points. That's why we kept Charlie for our breeding program. Have a great day! Mary (PS....Howard refuses to have his picture taken...thus the back of his head! Now really, Howard!)

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