Tonto was about sixteen years old and here before the cockers came. He was a faithful friend, as much as a cat will allow themselves. He ruled the house and allowed the cockers to share our home for many years. One day he'd had enough of being chased, tailed pulled and hiding for a needed nap and he packed his little fur bag and moved to the heated garage where he could watch the birds in peace all winter looking out the work shop windows and roaming the gardens in good weather in search of a fat mouse. We found Tonto today in his favorite hiding place taking his final nap. Sweet dreams little boy. We love you.
So sorry to hear about your kitty, Tonto. He sure was a beautiful cat and I'm sure you loved him.
My dear Tonto lived life as he wanted to and he was loved. He had more friends than a lot of people do and he will be sadly missed by many. We will never forget him. Tonto was a very special cat and we loved him!
Janice and family
We are so sorry about your precious kitty. I feel so sad for you! She lived a long wonderful life with you and I know you will miss her. Love Fran and Leonard
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