All are 8 oz except for Nectar, he is 5oz, but very healthy and active.
It took all night, but all are fine. Bee has fed, polished and warmed the babies and is now resting. I'm working on the Nursery and Newborn pages on the web site so you can see individual photos. Wait list will be notified and available puppies posted. This will be done when Philip is in from Bear hunting so I can work. Otherwise, I'm right there counting breaths and measuring tummies!
Way to go Bee!!!!
Your baby bees are just beeeutiful! So glad the hard part is over and now you can just be the great mommie I know you are. Congratulations to Mama Mary, too, I know you worked as hard as Bee did. Love and long life to all of you. It will be a good Thanksgiving Day
Yippeeee!! So glad that Bee had a successful delivery. Wish I had room for one of your beautiful babies, Cant wait to see the next set of photos! Congrats, Mary. Ruth
Bee is such a beeeeeautiful mommy and the puppies are just gorgeous. Sigh, we are having puppy envy!
Bailey, Bella, Sophie and Phoebe
the cocker girls from Maryland
Congradulations, Bee and Mary!! This is wonderful news. The new puppies look beautifull. I too am having puppy envy. Wish I had room for another one also. You always give us such wonderful additions to our homes. I hope you can find to get some rest too. Looking so forward to all the new pictures of puppies. Happy Thanksgiving to you all.
Maureen,Lincoln ,Chester and family,
Everyone is beautiful - as always! I think Bee deserve a drumstick this year!
Happy Thanksgiving! Ralph, Lois and the Crew
Congrats Bee!
So glad everything went so well. Can't wait to see the pictures!
I think Bee deserves some "star" treatment!
Sidney, Molly, & Rocky
GOBBLE GOBBLE GOBBLE!!! you guys are so cute I could just gobble ya right up!! (ok, just kisses!) Happy Turkey Day Ya'All
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