Hi Everyone tonight we're in Walcott, IA. I got to ride with dad again today. It's pretty cool, I get a little bit of peanut butter and I have these water bottles that I get to chew the lids off of. When we left York, NE this morning it was dreary and misty out. But by the time we got to Des Moines, IA the sun had come out and it was warmer but still windy. We stopped in Brooklyn. IA and mom and dad and I had lunch but I really wanted the pork chop they were having oh well dog food had to do! I got to get out and play a little there. I'm really beginning to like grass and mom tells me I'll like it even better when it gets green. Then when we got to Walcott dad told mom that an injector is out in his engine. So we got a motel room tonight and that is pretty cool. Mom and dad are getting pretty well trained. I bark and do a couple of twists and they take me outside! Go potty get a treat life is pretty good. Tomorrow dad will get his truck fixed and mom will have to go on with another truck that will take the load on to Grand Rapids and then we will come home. I get to go with mom and she is really glad about that. It's nice that they both want me to ride with them. The both love me so much and I love them back. When another dog comes around the hair comes up on my back and I bark and I protect my people. Mom and dad really think that's funny. Well mom got her story about me done for the magazine she writes for every month. More info on that when it comes out next month. Now it's time to go to bed we have to get up early in the morning. Good night from your cocker on the road Mr. H PS mom showed me a "Dogomat" at the truck stop here in Walcott. Mom has a picture of it and will send it next time she's on the computer.
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