We are having troubles updating the web site and this blog. Verizon is working on all the phone lines and installing cable for DSL. Also they are not keeping the substations in order and everyone in this area is having troubles getting and sending emails. I've tried for three hours to get on line to publish updates and am just now getting on the blog. The web site has new photos of Pansy's litter waiting to be published.
Update on Pansy's litter is a sad one. Our black & tan merle boy, Bud, crossed over the Rainbow bridge yesterday. We were shocked as he was the biggest one of the litter and yet he couldn't latch onto the nipple and suck. We kept his tummy filled and he was strong and vocal. He actually walked on Wednesday! But he didn't gain one ounce from birth. We knew he was in trouble. All the rest of the puppies have at least doubled their birth weight and are scooting on their bellies because they can't support their weight. As always in this situation, our hearts are broken, but we know we tried everything possible to keep Bud with us. This is the first puppy Pansy lost and she is very upset looking for him. We are giving her extra attentions and good foods, but she still thinks I have him somewhere and he'll be back. It's tough not being able to explain to a loving mother what happened to her precious baby. So she is keeping busy with the others and helped me with the one week photo shoot this am. I'm hoping the service will stay open long enough so that I can get the new photos on the web site. This entire week has been difficult keeping up with emails. I'm hoping everyone will check here and understand I'll get to them as soon as this issue is resolved. Thanks for understanding.