He had his first professional grooming last month and I must tell you ......... it went extremely well. I observed while she groomed and learned a lot there too! Sparky got a "cowboy" cut where it looks like he has chaps on his legs. Legs left long, rest of body shaved down. I also asked her to make the "Stonebrook Garden" look with the cap of hair left on his head ...... it all came out great and we have had nothing but compliments from everyone who sees him! Pic attached ......... handsome boy huh? Also attached is a pic of me on our back patio with our neighbor Chuck and his golden doodle Millie. Seems Sparky has fallen in love! ........... the third pic is his typical day, playing with all his toys!!
The groomer was extremely impressed with Sparky. She asked if he was a show dog and if you were a show breeder. She felt he was an extremely well bred dog and has never experienced such a great temperament in a Cocker. After she groomed him, she took many pictures from various angles. She walked him around the office (she grooms dogs inside my veterinary clinic facility) to show him off to all the office girls, and to show his doctor how great he looked and tell her how well behaved he was during grooming. This was a complete success........since I had poor experiences with my previous two Cockers, I thought it best to start Sparky off with a professional and get him used to it. I observed to see if it was something I was doing that caused the previous problems, but honestly I'm not sure how to assess that. I do not have the pro table with the neck harness, maybe that's the difference... also could be that the dog is out of his element in the groomer's hands versus at home grooming .......... anyway, I'm so gun shy about grooming that I may just keep going to a pro. $35 seems so worth it. I did buy the clippers you recommended if I get my confidence back somewhere down the road. She fell in love with Sparky! (as most people seem to do)
We couldn't be happier with Sparky and we speak highly of you and your operation to everyone. He just loves everybody and everybody who meets him falls in love with him ........ commenting on his good looks and friendly nature. Seems so rare for Cockers. Everyone comments that they "heard" Cockers are usually very high strung dogs who can have behavioral issues. Sparky has proven to everyone that Cockers are beautiful dogs in so many ways ............
I just couldn't be more proud of Sparky and can't say enough good things about you, Phil, your Cocker family and Stone Brook Garden. You are doing a fabulous job breeding very, very good Cocker Spaniels (show quality I am told). I hope you continue to do so for many, many years. The breed needs good people like you.
Would love to hear from you and how much money you're making at the casinos these days!!
All my best
P.S. Sparky said to send his love to Gma!
We are so proud of this guy! Isn't he handsome! I knew you all had been wondering how he turned out. Now you can see and read for yourselves. We are so sad this was Daisy's last litter as all her pups are amazingly sweet, intelligent and loving. The line isn't lost as Michelle Crews of Crews Cockers has a Daisy daughter and we plan to get a female out of her future litters. See the current litter with a link to the site on our Nursery page.
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