Monday, March 7, 2011

Updates on Mom: Her spirits are high and she continues to say thank you to all who inquire after her and Philip. Today she is being evaluated by physical therapy and occupational therapy to see what kind of exercises and conditioning we can do to get her strength back. The mind is willing, but the body is stubborn and needs kicked into gear.
Two good announcements: The tumor has shrunk and the cancer marker is down! Secondly, Weylin is going to stay in his current home. Thank you to all who inquired after him.
We're buried under another 10" of heavy, wet snow and everything is closed down. Mom's house is under another 24". Will this ever end? Come one hot sun and drier weather.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Again SOOOOOO thankful for this wonderful update. All our paws putting together for prayers MUST be working for sure. Keep up the good work.
Rick & Jodi
Wet puppy kisses from BOOMER!!!