My chemo treatments have resumed this week leaving me with two days with no strength and able to nap without notice. Then I'm able to function for the rest of the week. Energy levels are not good, so I must limit my online time. I'm using this blog as a way to get to everyone until I can answer each and ever one.
Philip and I are so grateful to you all for all the kindness, gifts, flowers and cards of love and support. We are stunned by your faithfulness and loyalty. Can't thank you all enough. We hope you all have a blessed Easter with lots of sunny weather and beautiful flowers. Our gardens are just beginning to show some color. Can't wait for everything to leaf out and bloom.
Hugs and appreciation to you all.
Mary, Philip and the SBG Mob
ps.............can't believe the Facebook crew! Wonderful to see you all enjoying stories, etc. Would love to join you all in June, but my Cancer doctors say to avoid that kind of crowd during procedure time. I'll have to depend on photos and stories.......bummer. I have 13 more treatments, so that will take me well into summer.