Tuesday, November 25, 2008

News Flash from Cleo, Shadow and Sydney

We are beginning to get worried! Okay, not funny anymore. We found this old picture of what our play mice used to look like. They no longer exist. There are none to be found. We used to have at least a hundred. We have them in every color, (like we know!) and they have all disappeared. We overheard our mom and dad saying that they were going into storage for a while. Something about the upcoming furballs that are poaching into our territory and a concern for their safety. Nobody wants them to choke. (We don't choke, but we are felines, we know better.) This is not good. I guess we are just going to have to use the furballs for toys. Just remember, we are three. They are two. 4 more days and those little babies will be ours. We can't wait!!!! Watch out CoCo and Bosco!!!! Can't wait to meet you two. Cleo, Shadow and Sydney

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