Today our darling girl lost her battle
with Auto Immune Homiletic Anemia. Rosie was stricken in April of this year and has been on special medications and diet to combat this killer. We were fortunate to have had her an additional seven months after her first almost fatal attack.
Our vet assures us this disorder is not inherited, rather a random affliction that strikes suddenly and rarely is conqured. We hoped we were the exception.
Auto Immune diseases are the topic of many heated and opinionated arguments by vets all over the world. Some believe it is caused when too many booster shots are given and at a certain age they should be stopped. Rosie is the first and only one of our cockers or puppies to be affected. We have known of others who have lost their pets within days of their diagnose. We urge everyone to have the conversation with their vets about the importance of this issue. To lose a beloved pet at this young age is nothing short of heartbreaking. As we've said many times before, no matter how long we have our sweet babies, it's never enough time.
God Bless our Rosie who joins her mother Clover and her daughter Bella. We know their reunion at the Rainbow bridge was a bitter sweet affair.
Philip and Mary, Iris, Lily, Basil, Cherry, Holly, Daisy, Pansy, Garnet, Gigi, CC, Dove, Thyme, Ruby, Bee, Sunny, Maggie and Weylin
1 comment:
We are so sorry for your loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and the whole gang.
Josie, Cole & Neo
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