Thursday, August 20, 2009

Jack's having a fun summer.......

We've heard from Ted & Judy that our handsome boy Jack is enjoying his summer. He loves to ride on the pontoon boat and has been known to fall into the water, not on purpose, of course...and once in a while he'll fall off the dock, swim around happily, shake himself off and continues to be a happy boy. As it happens, Jack is in obedience training and well on his way to being the perfect student. However, he has one problem. Seems his tail wags continually if anyone looks at him or talks to him. Now how can that be a bad thing. More people need to show their joy by wagging their tails. Good boy, rock!

1 comment:

JB said...

Hi Jack!
I showed your pictures to your Daddy and he thinks you are a mighty handsome guy. You are so beautiful and you are "one of a kind" special. I wish you a very long and happy life.

Your Great-Gramma Janice
PS....Your Dad says, "Hi!"