The shot of Jason (my son) sitting on his HumVee was taken right after an IED attack on his vehicle. Bullet holes are visible through the front window. Jason was gunner that day. As they were driving through town, 2 IEDs exploded on each side of his vehicle. My son was not hurt, nor was anyone in the vehicle! A miracle? Absolutely. You see, Jason always said his prayers in the morning before a mission. This day he forgot -- until he was on his way as gunner to their mission point. As soon as he remembered, he ducked briefly back into his vehicle to say his prayers. That's when the IEDs went off. Because he was praying, he was not injured at all, even though he had shards of glass down inside his vest. Equally amazing is that no one in the vehicle was injured. His prayer protected his entire crew. I haven't worried about him so much ever since! I know God is watching out for my son.
........by Barb Link......yet another mother devoted to the safety, concern for and appreciation of our military family. Thanks for sharing
GOD bless your son,and all our troops, who give of their all to this country!
Thank you to your son and to your family for the sacrifices you are making everyday for us. Our troops are always in our prayers.
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