Update on GMa Mary and Nanny Janice's Day off: We had a fun day. Being the big professional players that we are (there isn't a penny machine safe from our attack), we left with spirits high and laughing at me. I checked my luck and saw it was only 35%. Next I checked my horror-scope so I knew what my lucky color and number was. Yellow was the color of the day. Great color in my summer tops, but not winter and it was chilly. I fixed that with gold earrings, yellow curly ribbons attached to a Jamaican colored beaded bracelet my dear sister Carol made me, a branch of forsythia in bloom, my bright yellow rubber chicken purse (tee hee) and the bright sun in our face. We pointed out all the yellow cars, trucks, signs and passed a huge yellow truck on the West side of the Tioga Downs, noticed yellow umbrellas over their outside tables and on top of their steeples and a bright yellow car on the East side! Now we were convinced we had what it took to be big winners. PLUS my number of the day was #2. So I played only machines that had #-02 at the end of their ID. Had a blast and ended with $15 ahead. Janice wasn't there at the time we agreed to meet. There stood two huge machines with giant screens so everyone could see what you were doing. It was a quarter machine....scary. What the heck.........I sat down and put in $5 and played a three quarter bet. Things went crazy, bells and lights and whistles. Coins were exploding all over the screen so I couldn't really see what was going on. Then it settled down and I got the bonus of 50 free games. LOL.......in the end the total winnings on that $5 was $157.......ok by me...plus a wonderful free buffet! Off we went to Pet Smart where it promptly got replaced by dog food and treats. No diamond J Hoop earrings for me this trip. I got a royal welcome by the mob who are always thrilled that I came back to them even if I've only been gone for a few minutes. It was a fun day. Next great escape will be before Pansy's litter is born around June 17th. We'll try our luck at Salamanca Casino where they like to scalp us the legal way. Stay tuned for that adventure. Thanks, Philip for being on the job caring for the mob and mini mob so this old gal could kick up her heels!
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