Try as we might, count over and over....there is
only eight of us here.

Gma Mary tried again and again. Mommies walked in front of the camera. Then she got this shot with only Pansy's head and all of us. Now can you tell who's who? The far right is Reef and the big head in the middle is Tuna. The rest.....without our collars, it's hard to tell.

Momma Dove was watching us on the other side of the fence (all 9 here,
yippee!) and Reef was showing us how to play in the water dish. Reef gets in a lot of trouble.
Gma Mary says he's full of himself! We think those two weeks difference in our ages makes his a teenager.

So we don't know if this is a water dish or a bath tub. The water was changed every ten minutes because it was full of dirt all the time. Little Blizzard is being the best boy and just getting a drink. Boy was it ever nice out today. The temp was in the 80's and it's only the second day of April. We didn't stay too long in the Puppy Yard because the sun was way too hot for us. There are no leaves on the trees to give us shade, so we went up on to the back deck that is covered and ran and played with the big guys. Charlie was wild wanting to get out of
Studville and play with us.
Gma caught him three times climbing over the fence. Guess
Gpa Philip will have to put another shelf out over the left side of the gate. There is one on the gate and to the right. Charlie
keeps hitting his head on it and can't get out. So he went to the left, jumped high, caught his toes in the fencing (smallest possible mesh) and climbed right out! That boy is our idol. We're watching so we can learn his tricks.
Gma says, "NO WAY!" tee
1 comment:
What a cute bunch of boys! Reef reminds me of Mr. H! What an adorable boy. Mr. H would like to tell his old buddy Charlie HI and hope he has a nice Easter:)and hope he gets to play with all the little boys soon! They all look like they are having so much fun in the puppy yard! Got to love the warmer days! Mr. H's Mom
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