Thursday, February 3, 2011

Good Morning from Nitro Force!

Hi Mary and Philip,

I was stuck at home a while this morning, waiting for the ice to melt……………..Nitro had taken his normal spot on my chest, for a little nap…………I saw it as a good photo opp! Everyone says he looks angry all of the time…………………LOL, nothing could be further from the truth.

I just trained him to stay out of the kitchen while we are eating………….he got the message immediately. Sunday he was lying, with his nose just over the threshold between the dining room and kitchen…………………….Fred looked at me and said, “I think we have another good one, Mama!” That is the greatest possible compliment since we never expected to have another dog quite as good as Lucy. She set the bar really high, and Nitro has had no problem exceeding all of our expectations;)
Nitro only looks serious because of those bold tan eyebrows. He looks like he means business but we all know what a sweet heart these kids are. And oh so handsome.
Good job, too Nitro on the excelent manners. Looking sweet and being mean is not in
our DNA!
Love you,
GMA Maary


Mr. H said...

Nitro, what a handsome boy you are. You could come and teach Mr. H a few manners! He and Mrs. B are master beggars and that is not their fault but ours. He will sit, shake a paw, give you five and sit up pretty and wave bye bye for a treat. At supper sometimes they get a bite here and there and so...... I just can't resist faces that look at me like that! Can't wait to see more pictures of you! Mr. H's Mom

Anonymous said...

Your bro Boomer has been thinking about you lately & mom was just going to write to yours. So nice to see how big & handsome you are getting. Our good looks run in the fanily Gma Mary/Gpa Philip ALWAYS say. LOL LOL
Mom needs to send a pic VERY soon too!!!
We are so glad Gma/Gpa are feeling good enough to keep updating this blog as it makes us SMILE BIG!!!
& his mom too!!!

Anonymous said...

LOL, those eyes are hard to resist...that is why I make them stay in the dining room while we eat in the kitchen.....reduces temptation. We do have one little rule breaker...they both come running when they hear the whipped cream can! We often put whipped cream on our jello after dinner, Fred has taken to giving them a little makes all of them happy, so it's our little secret. Nitro's lastest trick is grabbing the toilet paper and running it all the way down the hall. If I leave the bathroom door open for just a second, he jumps on the opportunity. This morning he even did it while I was standing there drying my hair, I didn't even see or hear him come in behind me.... the little sneak...LOL.
I can't thank Mary and Philip enough for this little guy....he has added so much joy, laughter, and love to our lives. I truly believe there is not another breed able to provide the love that Cockers do:)

Cindy said...

Anonymous is Cindy, Nitro's Mom!!!

Brandy said...

Oh my, what a good boy! Your sister, Tinkerbell, could learn a thing or two! She stands next to the baby's high chair and anxiously awaits her "turn" at the spoon in Karys' hand. Aye, aye, aye! Yes, the baby and Tinkerbell are sure to be the best of friends. It's so funny to watch, though. She knows if she wants the good stuff to hang close to the baby when she is eating...a bite for me, a bite for you!