Thursday, February 24, 2011

A letter from Jane, Mary's daughter

Hello Friends: I'm posting a note for my mother. The chemotherapy is really taking a toll on mom's energy and muddling her ability to concentrate on conversations on the phone, on the computer, or in person. She says she feels all the well wishes, prayers, and good thoughts coming her way.

The best way to correspond with mom is by snail mail. Good old fashioned letters or cards. Please no more forwards or silly stuff via the internet. It took me an hour to clean out her box so I could find the important information that her doctor sends.

She tells me all the time that she is blessed to have such a caring and considerate group of friends. God has truly blessed us and is wrapping her in white light and love. Thank you all for the wonderful messages.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for udpdating us. We are thankful that you are keeping us in the loop & will keep you all in our prayers (always). Please give a big sloppy puppy kiss from Boomer & not as messy ones from Rick & I. We only hope she starts to feel better soon!!!
Rick, Jodi & Boomer
ps Philip too!!!

DEEBRE said...

Denise & Eileen also thanks you for the update. We know how overwhelming this time can be. Sending our prayers and love for the entire family. BE STRONG!!