Saturday, February 12, 2011

Thanks to all who send Birthday wishes, cards, gifts and emails.

CC - left.............Miss Magnolia - right.
This is how I spend my nap and night times. I have two guards that sleep with me and
keep everyone else away. CC is the smallest, but boy can she ever scare the britches off
anyone who wants up. Maggy needs to be with me so I can rub her belly......a must for her
survival! Thanks for all you are sending. Am way too exhausted to spend very long on the computer answering. But you are all in my heart and I appreciate every word.
Treatments are going along well. Monday is another IV chemo, plus two doctor's check up. Radiation is due to show what it has done now, so we're eager to see those results.
Stay tuned. Will try to post anything new as soon as I have the energy.
Love you all,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Mary, your protectors are very precious, you can just feel the LOVE. Thanks for the update, and wishing you good health and happiness. You've brought such happiness in my life with Chester,he is doing great and loved very much!! Thank-you for all you've done for us.
Sending many prayers and Cocker kisses your way.
Love, Maureen, Lincoln and Chester :)