Friday, January 14, 2011

Cherry's birthday is coming on Feb 3rd.........

Mom and Dad decided I needed my present now. I love my soc monkey man.
Sister Silly loves to sleep with me. I'll share my Monkey when she's awake.

He's so soft, I wanted to give him a kiss, but he's busy hugging Himself!

I loved him over to my bed.

Mommy discovered his hands were sewn down and quickly cut them three.
Now we can run and play and toss him in the air. She's gonna be a fun boy to play
"sheepy" with. Hey Bailey & the mini mob, wanna come over and try him out?
Chocolate Covered Cherry

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just want to say Happy Birthday Mommy. I love you. Love, Olivia(Livie), Sienna and Mom