Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Here's Maggie & Charlie's Angel, Khloe.....

Yet another snow lover! Seems all our SBG kids love the snow....but avoid the rain. Greg tells us Khloe is house trained and loves to watch TV with Kerrie (mommy). Seem she's cherished and loved as per the small print in her contract! thanks for sharing.


Mr. H said...

Oh Khloe! What a little cutie! I have to say I must be luckier than most that my two babies like the snow and I can stand out in the rain until they are finished with business! Just like getting in the shower no big deal! Water a GREAT thing! Mr. H's and Mrs. B's Mom

Nanny J said...

What a beautiful family! I am so glad I got to meet you when you picked up Khloe. I knew it was a perfect match. Wish you all long life and much happiness!
Nanny Janice

The Firedogs said...

We see you love the snow as much as we do!!! Isn't it fun being a snowbunny? Our Mom says you are a little sweetheart!