Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Years to all!

Hope you all had a wonderful holiday season.
As you can see by the above photo, my daughter Jane was playing around with the camera. Guess she wondered what she's look like without her hair! LOL..........I haven't lost mine, yet.
Today is my last radiation session. Philip will go with me as we are at home and completely (well, not completely moved out as we're meeting with Jane for lunch to collect what I left behind.) I'll have my beginning IV and combo pills for chemo starting on the 17th. I'm hoping the time off between today and then will allow some catching up with energy to post photos and stories. I am so sorry I've not been able to keep updated, but you all know when I can do it, you'll be covered up in information/photos/etc.
Sending back all the love, support and prayers for your good health and happiness and financial success in the New Year.

Love to all........Philip and Mary
(Ha ha ha, Jane. Getting you back for all thos awful photos you post of me!!! Yes, we never like our own photos.)

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