It's bee a while since I updated everyone on our situation here. Using the computer is difficult for me. One of the side effects of the chemo is blurry eyes that get tired. So I'll keep this short. We are both strong and happy. I'm a little exhausted most days with the 14 days of non stop chemo. Yesterday was the end of the first sesson. Now I'm off for 7 days and then will restart the again. No real discomfort as Philip is riding herd over me all the time. Janice is right there in the middle making sure I'm taking care of, too. I'm truly blessed.
This morning I recieved a clip from You Tub from our good friends in the UP of Michigan an have included it for you to enjoy, too. Please know that all is well here and you'll know otherwise if things change. Love you all.
Thank you for the update as we also have been thinking ALOT about you both. I have been meaning to write you to let you know that BOOMER has been such a blessing in our lives. He is the best HEART MENDER & growing bigger by the day. He is 15lbs of LOVE. I will take many many more pictures of him so you can see how handsome he is growing.
Stay strong & know that we are ALL thinking of you!!!!
Jodi, Rick & BOOMER too!!!
Mary and Philip, thank you for giving us the update. Always want to know how you are, but if all of us called, emailed, etc., you'd be overwhelmed! But know that for Gabby, Carlee and I, you are always in our thoughts and hearts.
Loved the YouTube! Am forwarding it to many since it will speak to those in my line of work.
Lots of XXOOXXOO to you!
Anne, Gabby and Carlee
Mary & Philip,
It's wonderful to see the spring flowers! We think of you all the time and I hope our travels bring us your way one day soon! We understand that you are tired but are still so happy to see your updates! Mr. H & Mrs. B send their love and puppy prayers. They got to ride with dad on the way home from Georgia and we are home now before the storm they are predicting so don't worry about us being out in it! LOL Kim Mr. H & Mrs. B
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