
Miss Phoebe was rescued late in her life by a very caring and loving family, Dr. Cathy Wilhite (CEO of the American Breast Cancer Foundation) and her two cockers, Sophie and Bella. Soon after, our Bailey (CC's daughter) and Tucker (our Bee's son) came to join the family. Cathy made it her responsibility to find a great home for Pheobe who was blind and deaf and slow due to her advanced age. Many applied, but none were what Cathy wanted for this special lady. When Tucker came to join the family, he was immediately attracted to Phoebe and became her champion making sure she was safely out and back in from her potty duties. During these final days, all four of the cockers rallied around Phoebe keeping her company and knowing how much she was loved. Yesterday morning was the day she decided to take wing and reluctantly leave her circle of love. Miss Phoebe was cherished and allowed the dignity to remain at home until it was her choice to leave. We admire and applaud our cocker lovers who do everything in their power to assure their beloved pets of comfort, safety, devotion and all the love they so richly deserve. We will look for Miss Phoebe to join us again in a new and beautiful/healthy body. Until then.......
We got to meet Phoebe when we delivered Tucker and she was a Grand Lady. Our hearts go out to Cathy and her family and I hope she knows how lucky Phoebe was to have the love and care of her family in her final years. It hurts so very much to loose one you haved shared so much with. We grieve with you. Please give the others a big hug from us because they need to get one as much as you need to give it.
Phoebe was a sweetheart and she is so very missed!
Janice, Lloyd and the Brooks bunch
Thank you so very much for the lovely tribute to our Phoebe. She was the most wonderful girl and a very loving and welcome part of our family. It was a pleasure and privilege to have her come into our lives. She taught all of us about grace and dignity and over coming difficult circumstances. That our family was chosen to allow her to spend the time she had with us was a very special blessing. Our hurt is only lessened by the knowlege that we have another very special cocker angel looking out for our family.
Cathy, Bill,
Sophie, Bella, Bailey and Tucker
We were sorry to hear of your loss. Please know our hearts go out to all of you.
Larry, Trish and Finn
We are so sorry to hear of your loss. It's always so hard to lose one of our babies! Each one has it's own special place in our hearts. You are all in our prayers. Mr. H's Mom
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