Max and Jack are getting along just fine. They play together constantly and Max is always in Jack’s face. I believe I told you about this earlier, but one of the funniest things is watching Max grab one of Jack’s ears and he just holds on. Jack will try to get away from him and then just drag Max along the floor. We’ve also seen Max keep backing up and going under the loveseat in room with Jack’s ear still in his mouth. No apparent fights yet. If I’m not mistaken, I think I read a similar ear story about Cheyenne. Mary, how do you train these guys and gals? (Being raised by a farm Momma, I do what she did.....everything must be done for others before yourself...and they must respond to the routine to get what they want. It's basic...do the right thing, get rewarded with treats, toys, dinners or lots of hugs and kisses. Singing and dancing with them is the icing. But most of all, they want to please us.)
We wanted to send you a few pictures, so we’re just showing you how the boys spent this rainy day just hanging out. The one of Judy and Max outside is to reiterate what we already said about Max not minding the wet grass. Early on, we thought it might be a fluke that Max ran in the grass and even rolled in it. But we’ve had a damp week and today it rained all day. We have to force Jack out to go. Max goes running out with us and doesn’t mind getting wet at all. (Now this is a first.....should have kept this one....all the mob hates the rain. Only CC goes out with no complaint, but hurries like crazy.)
It’s been really nice to see both Cheyenne and Kodiak’s parents get so involved in writing for the blog. Hopefully we should see all the brothers and sisters growing up as time goes on. (That would be so wonderful. We love getting the updates and photos.)
We always talk about the puppies, but how is Pansy dealing with the moving on of her babies? (Pansy is watching carefully over Violet and Ranger. She still looks for the others, if only to make sure they are not in need. Having Violet here will keep her happy.)
Well, enough for now. Hugs to All.
Ted, Judy, Jack & Max
You are just like our Sidney who used to hang onto my springer Molly's ears for dear life. I remember Molly looked like she had an earring on her ear all the time! Molly would drag Sidney around the house!
I guess Sidney is just like CC in that he loves the rain. Once he gets wet he is like a crazy man! I took him to my brothers and he was doing belly smackers off the deck. Of course, I had to put cotton in his ears first! I wish I had a pool!
Sidney's mom, Chris
Chey hangs on to Bailey's ears when she is really in a playful mood. We try to stop her with a loud "no". Bailey has begun showing some dominance by standing over her until she rolls on her back. But she comes right back at him. It can't bother him too much or else he would stay away or escape to the furniture. I think it a play thing. But if you come up with a solution, I'd be happy to hear it.
Mr. H doesn't have anybody's ears to hang on but does he ever LOVE getting wet. There is no hurry to go potty when it's raining. And it's always fun to get in the shower with mom and dad. Going to get groomed love the bath! Maybe some day he can come back to SBG and show everybody how much fun the rain can be! Just wait till it snows! Mr. H LOVES the snow and so has every cocker I have ever had. Go out and play and come in all wet and little snowballs in the ears and furry legs and then melt when they get back inside! What fun! Enjoy the puppy stage! Our babies grow up tooooooo fast! Mr. H's Mom
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