Mary and Phillip, Kasey had a haircut and bath Thusday at Lots of Love. He was a good boy as always. Mom had given him 3 baths since June. Kasey was tutered on July 26 at Cornell and spent the night there. Had to wear a lampshade for 9 days but did well and healed fast. He is back to normal playing with his toys and keeping dad company, he is such a good loving boy and we are so happy to have him. I am sure you have been busy with Pansy's kids going to their new forever homes. Kasey is up to 21.5 pounds and still talks to us when we make his egg and cottage cheese in the morning. Hope all is well. Glenn Wendy and Kasey
(Kasey is from Daisy/Weylin's Jan litter and was know as Reef.)
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