Gma Mary,
There are so many new things where I am at now. And no one my size here, although I keep looking. I can't find Violet so I guess she didn't come. Tell her I am okay and hope she is too. I miss her.
It was dark when we finally got "home." So when I went to their outside it wasn't like ours Gma. They have so many different sounds and smells here. It was such a clear night I heard my first train. Mommy says that it was in Sinking Spring and nowhere near here, just in case you were wondering.
I haven't quite got the routine here and had my first mess in the house. Its going to take me some time to figure things out here, but my new mommy is pretty patient. She even runs and plays with me outside. I am not sure how smart she is though. She told me I wasn't suppose to go to the right of the patio but I faked her out by running left and then right real quick. The next thing I remember is Mommy screaming and her rushing me inside. I fell into some water and slid under a Lily pad, but I was able to turn around and stand up so it wasn't too bad. You should have heard mommy scream. Daddy and my new big brother Adam came running to see what was wrong with mommy. I was worried about mommy, too. She was really upset! I got my second bath today! I hope I don't get any more baths tomorrow.
Thanks for all the toys you sent along. The toys they have here are all for older dogs. There was this dog Mack who used to live here before but now he is gone. I can see that he must have been close to mommy, but I am going to help her feel better. My big brother Adam has a playmate for me, but mommy says Zeta can't come over till I am bigger. She doesn't want me to get hurt cause Zeta is bigger than me. I look forward to meeting her. I also wonder just how big is she?
I got to sleep in my own little house next to mommy's side of the bed. I sang them a lullaby last night and then I went to sleep. I think that made Daddy really, really happy. I sang to Daddy when we drove home, I think it helped daddy with all the driving in the rain he did. He kept looking at me and saying he wished my mommy were here. He said it was a long trip home in the pouring rain.
Today is a new day. I saw what the pond looked like in the daylight. It is only 6 feet wide with lots of green lily pads and three frogs and a bunch of goldfish. I think I will stay away from that. I noticed mommy won't even let me go anywhere near it. Daddy says they are going to be taking it out next spring. They have plans to do something else there.
I like what they call me, Kodiak. Every time they say Kodiak, I stop what I am doing, and see what they want. It sounds pretty nice. I like that better than that word No. I heard it a lot last night from Daddy. I don't know what mommy does for a living, but around here she picks up everything up off the floor that looks interesting to me. I saw magazines, computer bags, baskets, electric wires, and boxes go up on top of tables. There isn't much left on the floor but me and my toys. Mommy says she is going to buy me some more toys now that she sees which ones I play with.
Here is hoping I don't get a bath today. I will write to you again when they let me up here at the computer.
Kodiak,(love the name)
What an adventureous first day! I remember my first days in my new home, so much to learn and explore. I know you'll do great. Just listen to your Mommy and Daddy and remember what Gma Mary taught you and you will be fine.
Abby is happy that you found your forever home...and you are about 40 minutes from my house!!!
Hi Kodiak,
Looks like fun at your house! Mom wishes that you could have come to live with us. But Gma Mary found you the right home you will help heal broken hearts and find your very own place in their hearts! Mr. H:)
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