.......looks like another happy family. Ed said it sounded like the Irish Tenors on the way home. Deb thinks he is even more handsome in person. Kodiak is greeting everyone with a piddle.......he'll grow out of that as soon as he learns all the new places, faces and scents. Thanks Deb for sending the photo. We are looking forward to the rest of this story.
Congratulations on your new baby boy! Enjoy him while he is still so small. They grow up way toooooo fast! He is absolutely adorable and we look forward to pics as he grows and does all the funny things that will make you love him more and more:) Mr. H's Mom
Another happy customer! What a wonderful home Mary has found for little Kodiak. It's always wonderful to see!
Sidney's Mom
Looking forward to seeing photos as he grows. We have the black and tan female (Cheyenne) from the litter. Anxious to see and compare their looks as they get older.
We are so happy for Kodiak and your family, nothing like a new baby to enjoy and love. Congratulations!
The Firedog Family
What a wonderful family find for Kodiak, Pansy's remaining baby. We pray you enjoy him every moment just like we do with our Max (Kodiak's brother) and our Jack, (Pansy's son from her 2009 litter). Once you've loved a SBG puppy, you're never the same!
Ted, Judy, Jack, & Max
Hi Kodiak,
I can see you are really going to keep your new mom and dad very busy for awhile until YOU get THEM trained! I am sure you are going to fill their lives with wonderful adventures and precious moments! You are all lucky to have found each other.
Nanny Janice
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