Gma Mary....
Well, I was bad last night, I ended up going to the animal emergency room.
Last night was such nice tempetures to have windows open...breeze coming in, just wonderful. Mom had to go outside about 8:45 PM and was out for about 15 minutes. While she was outside this bottle came down on the floor. I investigated it. While investigating this bottle, it was rattling...I had to get whatever it was. So I chewed the bottle open and got the little white candy out.
When mom she came back in she seen a pill bottle laying on the floor chewed opened and found no candy. She looked at the bottle and it was her predisone medication...mom hollared for dad to come and he ask her how many I have eaten. Mom wrote on the calendar what she was supposed to take that day, she was to take 4 for 3 days, 3 for 3 days, 2 for 3 days, 1 for 3 days...well she took a total of 30 and the quanity on the bottle said 40....so I had 10 at 10mg.
Mom went online and googled dog ate predisone and read some info quick as she was calling the emergency center...she can multitask quite well. What she read and what the emergency center told her to do was the same. Now's it's 9:05 PM
Mom made me an egg quick and I ate it as usual. Then it was followed up with some hydrogen perioxide....that stuff was bubbly inside me ....soon all my food came up, including my supper from earlier that night. Mom being relieved, called back to ER like she was told to, they recommended me to come up and get flushed out with charcoal. So thats what we did. It took about an hour and half to get there, another 45 minutes or so I think I would have been close to gma mary's place. We were just outside of Williamsport.
We got to ER around 11:00, they did bloodwork, they did the charcoal...that will absorb anything else that was left in me...which they don't think any was in me with mom's quick action and a whole bunch of fluid. The doctor said if he were prescribing me this medication he'd be giving me 20mg for my size, I had taken 100mg, but with mom giving me the hydrogen peroxide....maybe just maybe I had 20mg left.,..so the charcoal absorbed the last 20mg.
My bloodwork came back everything was good!
We got back home around 2 am. I was hungry but mom didn't give me any food except water, water, water.
Mom takes 75% of the blame for this, something that shouldn't have been done. But I got the last 25% because I shouldn't be chewing everything that hits the floor.
I"m good, feeling good as if this never happened. No worries...thanks to mom's quick actions....but one thing, she never panic, just went through the motions quickly and efficiently. Thanks mom!!
(OMG!!! That was a close one for sure. Children whether four or two footed, have made this mistake. Thanks to Angie's cool head and quick thinking, our Abby is still with us. Bless you both. Think I have another white hair in my head......)
We're so glad everything turned out OK! My Mommy sends kudos to your Mommy-she says she NEVER could have been so cool and level headed in that situation. Take care.
Oh Abby so glad Mommy was quick to do all the right things, I don't think I would have had it together that fast.
Glad you are alright.
The Firedogs Mom
Abby, Abby, Abby!
I am so glad your Mom was there and found you in time to save your young life!!! Please don't scare us like that again!!!
Some day I will tell you about some of the stupid things my dogs have gotten into over the last x number of years! It happens and you were right on it. Great for you! We don't always get a second chance. Hug her for me!
Nanny Janice
We are so thankful that your mom is so smart and cool headed. Bella once ate some bubble wrap and had to have her stomach operated on at the emergency room in the middle of the night ( why is it these things always end up with a middle of the night trip?!)Thank heavens they have doggie emergency rooms these days!
We are so glad you are safe and sound. Yeah Angie!!!!!!!
Tucker, Bella, Bailey and Sophie
I remember when Lizzie ate sooooo much that I had to take her to the emercency room and I had 70' of truck and trailer. I think in the end they gave her peroxide (I know all about that) but I was afraid that her intestines might be twisted and they x-rayed her and she was fine. You babies shouldn't scare your moms like that! And you are such a good and beautiful girl but you are still a puppy. I know that I blame myself for some of the things Mr. H does because I have to keep them up and I know how much he likes plastic bottles and we have let him chew on them so he would do the same thing you did! I'm glad that your mom is so smart and you are fine!!!!!:):):):) You behave yourself I want to see lots more pics of you little girl! Love Mr. H's Mom
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