Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Happy First Birthday

Birdie & Weylin's Kids

September 20, 2010

Monday, September 19, 2011

Happy Birthday


Saturday, September 17, 2011

Happy First Birthday

Sunny & Weylin's Babies September 17, 2010

Saturday, September 3, 2011

SBG Reunion

Just a reminder that the second annual SBG Cocker Kids reunion will be held June 16th , 2012 at Knoebels Park. All SBG cocker kids and their families are invited to attend. For more information call Nanny Janice at 814-367-5069 or email me at brksjandl@aol.com This is a great time for the kids to get together and the families can share stories about their dogs and to realize what a close family the SBG group is. There were 17 kids attending this year along with their people and a good time was has by all. We even made the front page of the local newspaper! Let's keep Mary's legacy going and join us for a good time. Until then, Thank you for all the love and prayers you have sent to Philip and the SBG crew. Stay safe and hug those wonderful babies. Janice