Sunday, December 26, 2010

Our Christmas Eve surprise from Angie & Abby, the "A" Team


Little CC and mom said...

Mary, What a great surprise.It was beautiful and expressed everybodies feelings of love and appreciation to you.

Larry said...

Mary, what a wonderful tribute to you and Philip for all the love you have brought into all our lives. Way to go "A" team! Love to all the SBGers,
Larry, Trish & Finn

Cheyenne said...

The end product turned out wonderfully. All the families and all the puppies thank you for bringing us all together. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Don, Joanne, Zach, Casey, Bailey and Cheyenne

Cindy said...


What a beautiful testament to your devotion to this wonderful breed. I feel blessed to have met you and Philip and to have the honor of bringing one of your sweet babies into our home! Be well.

Cindy, Fred, Lucy and Nitro

Mr. H said...

I'm so glad that you love it! Angie is AWESOME and Abby that sweet little girl they truly are The "A" Team!! There is lots of GREAT work those two are going to do. You have brought together so many very special people and we are all so very blessed! We all love you and Philip for all you've given each of us. Kim & Pete Mr. H & Mrs. Beasley