Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Me saying goodbye to Daisy

Sorry for the quality of the photos. Something crazy is happening to both my laptop and base

computers. The laptop won't accept my photo card and the base computer won't accept edits from any of my programs. I'd pull my hair out in frustration if the chemo hasn't already done most of that job! So the next few photos of Daisy being picked up could be more of the same, Angel, too. Good news is that all three have found amazing homes and are oh so loved. Pictures of Jerra and Bogie have already hit FB, so you see he is cherished, too.

I plan to get out to take some photos of the flowers, but hesitate because of this conflict. Sun's out today and my feet are itching to get me out in it. Life continues here as always. The mob is spoiled and so am I. God Bless my Philip and all of you for your continued show of love.


Cindy said...

Mary, you look beautiful in these do the puppies!

Anonymous said...

Cindy took the words RIGHT out of my mouth. You look terrific!!!
The puppies give you an EXTRA glow.