HI SBG Crew - Here's the newest photo of Violet and of course with her best buddy Sidney. Violet is doing very well and we couldn't ask for a sweeter dog. When I take her anywhere, everyone comments that she is the prettiest cocker spaniel they have ever seen! Sidney, Molly, & Rocky just love her to death. Violet definately holds her own when playing. She is one tough cookie!! Gary and I are very sorry that we couldn't make the picnic. My sister couldn't watch my father-in-law as her daughter was graduating from high school. Gary and I will definately try to make next year's picture. It looked like we missed a great time! Chris
Violet is a Pansy/Weylin daughter (merle), Sidney is a CC/Charlie son (red & white)
Violet you are so pretty. You look just like Ranger. He just got groomed and is naked right now, but here is a before picture of your brother. We miss you Violet.
The Corcoran's and Ranger
I'll have to mail the pix to Mary to post.
Hi Judy,
Ranger is such a handsome little boy. He looks so precious with all his fur. Hope all is well!
The Osman's & Violet
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