Be on the lookout for two beautiful ladies in this van. They are running away from home to enjoy a day at the mall and quite possibly an hour or two trying their luck at the Tioga Downs Casino...of course after all the dog food and supplies have been purchased and stored away. Who knows...........last trip bought our glasses, dentist, doggy door and three months of dog food. New York State has been good to me. Stay tuned for the outcome. There isn't a penny machine safe from my determined touch! Nanny Janice and I will hit the road giggling like school girls playing hooky. Philip is a dear to watch over the mob. Hope I find him in one piece when I return.
UPDATE: Back. Got 45 mins down the road and Philip called to say people were driving up from Lancaster, PA to see/get either Reef or Tuna. So we'll try this again tomorrow. After all, a good home for one of my boys is what we're here for!
1 comment:
The best laid plans........!
It is what it is............!
Nanny Janice
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